Sunday, August 17, 2014

Peek At My Week: Week 1 of Kindergarten!

Linking up with Mrs. Willis to share my plans for the FIRST week of Kindergarten! We are still a week out (tomorrow is my first workday), but I like sharing plans early so that I can be prepared, and I can help others prepare who are still looking for ideas.

I have tried to over plan. This week will be all about routines and procedures and setting everything up for the rest of the year. It will not be perfect, it might not be pretty, but I know they will get it soon and we will have a great year.

Here is a snipped, shorter version of my typed plans (I use for my lessons):

You can click the plans to download the PDF and you can click most of the pictures for links to activities.

I know it may seem crazy to start literacy centers on the first day of school, but I am determined to get Guided Reading up and running as soon as possible. I am also starting with super simple centers that are what they need at the beginning. We will work this week on using the iPad (without picking our noses) and taking turns touching it. My assistant will teach them a very simple alphabet center: matching the letters, and putting them back in order. We will not stay at centers very long either, we will be working on building stamina.

Next week, we will dive more into using pictures for writing and telling stories. This week, we are just teaching procedures and making memories :)

I am still working on my ABC pack and need 3 editors to edit...if you are interested, look at my previous post for more information!

Good luck to all my friends going back to school this week :)

PS-I saw this ecard earlier and died laughing because it is me to a T over the summer:

I have done so much stuff in my classroom this summer/PD because I switched schools. Also, today was closing day at the summer camp where I work....and if I sat on my couch right now, I don't think I would move until Tuesday. I had every intention to cook my first meal tonight (my husband and I both work at summer camps, so there is not really a need to cook over the summer), but I can't handle life and we are leaving for an early dinner. I have a personal goal to be in bed by 8:30 tonight. Teachers clearly live it up in the summer!

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