Thursday, July 10, 2014


I have not written in a while because I found out that I was moving to second grade. I was on board with that and had moved my classroom and started researching ideas. Then I found out that a spot opened up in Kindergarten at a school closer to home...long story short, I'm at a new school, but still in Kindergarten!

I am really excited about working at a new school, but really sad to leave behind my friends/coworkers and students at my old school. I am sure I will make new friends and of course have new, wonderful students as well :)

I toured my classroom today and didn't take any pictures. There wasn't a whole lot of wall space and it has an interesting set-up, including a stove in the classroom. I am pretty excited about figuring out ways to make it cute and a fun place to learn. So keep your eyes out for a classroom tour when I'm all done.

In the meantime, now that I'm settled back into Kindergarten, I will be doing a 7 week series on the 7 Habits in Kindergarten. It is so hard to find ideas to teach it in Kindergarten, so I thought I would share some lessons that worked in my classroom.

Enjoy your summer!

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